Differently Abled

       Whatever their abilities, everybody has something to contribute to the world. What one person is good at, another might not be. Finding out what your abilities are, and how they can impact the world is at the crux of all our work with the differently abled. Not just facilitating their search for purpose, but facilitating a sense of dignity. 

      Those living with Cerebral Palsy, the hearing and visually impaired, the mobility impaired – we at HELP Society are dedicated to empowering them with opportunities and resources, therapy and training. Through individualised support and advocacy, we strive to break down barriers, change perceptions, and create an environment where each one can shine. 

        One of the initiatives close to our hearts is support and guide them to prosthetics and surgeries, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and guide to where the availability of wheelchairs. 

        Whatever the initiative, the objective will always be to create a more inclusive and supportive environment that embraces the unique abilities of each person. Giving each person access to dignity.